Friday, November 2, 2007

Shop 'til Ya Drop!

Growing up we did not have much money. I spent most of my elementary school days wearing second-hand clothes that were bought at the IODE sale in Sarnia, Ontario. At 44 I can still remember what a special day it was when I got to buy a new pair of jeans or running shoes. During this past trip you folks in Goderich partnered with the Children of Hope Sponsorship Program and were able to see each orphan in Orlofka go shopping with $50 to spend on new clothes/shoes.
Think about that for a minute. Seriously. Not only do you have $50 for "new" clothes but you actually get to go to the market and help buy the stuff. (which was a little crazy I hear with the older girls....halfway around the world and some things never
Do you think there was some excitement? Oh yeah...the orphans were excited also! lol!
Missions is not only about construction, speaking in churches, or sharing stories about Jesus. It is about being "Jesus" to adults/children in a way that they are overcome by, and can recognize. On this trip some of that took place in a market overrun by people. There were new winter coats tops...socks...undergarments....whatever a child needed they received. Thank you for the "shopping" ministry. Do not kid yourselves....the old song says "and He walks with me and He talks with me"...He was there in the market speaking to hearts. That is where some of the special "deals" came from. C'mon!

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